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The Green Eagle Award of Rzeczpospolita for the Foundation „Development YES – Open Pit Mines NO”

On November 27, the "Fight for the climate" gala was held, during which The Green Eagles Award of the Rzeczpospolita were distributed for the first time. They were awarded to "companies, local governments, non-governmental organizations and exceptional people who served the climate." We are very happy to announce that the Foundation „Development YES – Open Pit Mines NO” (RT-ON Foundation) took second place in the category: ecological organization. We are proud of the award and we would like to thank all those who have contributed to this success through many years of hard work.

–Thank you to the Chapter of the Award and the Editorial Board of Rzeczpospolita. Congratulations on your courage, because in a country still "in love" with coal, it is certainly not easy to reward an organization that has been opposed to lignite mining using the opencast method for over a decade – said Tomasz Waśniewski, President of the Foundation. 

– We perceive the award not only as a success of the Foundation itself, but as an award for hundreds of anonymous activists gathered in the Coalition "Development YES – Open Pit Mines NO", who for many years clashed with the powerful lobby and its supporters. It is their day and I dedicate to them the warm words we have received from the members of the Chapter and the Editorial Board of the Rzeczpospolita daily.

Organizations that change reality

“In the ECOLOGICAL ORGANIZATIONS category, the jury decided to award organizations that not only signal problems, but also try to present specific solutions. The following organizations received awards ":

1st place: Climate Coalition

2nd place: Foundation “Development YES – Open Pit mines NO”

3rd place: Polish Smog Alert

The award in the category TITAN OF ECOLOGY Pioneer of Ecology in Poland was awarded to Dr. Andrzej Kassenberg, co-founder of the Institute for Sustainable Development and the Foundation for Energy Efficiency of Poland.

Thank you for the award and congratulations to all the honored!

Another distinction for the Foundation „Development YES – Open Pit Mines NO”

This is another award for the Foundation this year. In May 2020, Tomasz Wiśniewski - co-founder and president of our RT-ON Foundation and the initiator of the National Coalition “Development YES – Open Pit Mines NO”, was in the final of the 9th edition of The Polish Business Roundtable Award in the category of social activity.

– Years of joint effort, in a social atmosphere that used to be much less favorable than today, have once again been appreciated this year by independent and opinion-forming bodies, which from among many meritorious non-governmental organizations decided to appreciate us! – comments Tomasz Waśniewski. – We do not feel in any way relieved of duties, but rather motivated to continue to pursue together the next goals of the foundation and Coalition „Development YES – Open Pit Mines NO”.




